User Profile - ProG0ldfish

ID 152379094
Level User (100)
Points 1334 (Rank 26)
Messages sent 16267 (Rank 1)
Last seen 2022-08-16 20:40:35.557459+00:00
Last active in chat 2022-07-19 18:11:15.713611+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 3 days and 20 hours
Time spent in offline chat 6 months and 8 days NotLikeThis
Permabanned on horsenbot No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 13298
Roulettes amount 14
Profit -3998
Winrate 57.14%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 3
Biggest win 2969
Biggest loss -3079

Roulette history

Time Diff
2021-05-15 15:08:32.574238+00:00 70
2021-05-11 21:33:26.568665+00:00 -392
2021-04-28 22:28:16.577517+00:00 186
2021-04-28 22:27:08.239747+00:00 93
2021-04-28 20:35:12.456784+00:00 -1227
2021-04-18 15:12:28.387699+00:00 580
2021-04-12 22:06:09.346102+00:00 -3079
2021-04-12 22:05:24.155275+00:00 -3078
2021-04-12 19:59:53.459705+00:00 -672
2021-03-31 14:36:50.271985+00:00 2969
2021-03-17 14:45:07.571923+00:00 -200
2021-03-16 16:30:10.676299+00:00 617
2021-03-16 16:15:19.974864+00:00 134
2021-03-16 16:08:00.207822+00:00 1